The Excel

A Excel - começoThe company EXCEL MARCAS E PATENTES LTDA. was founded in 1998 by its directors working for more than 25 years in the Industrial and Intellectual Property field.

The choice of the name “EXCEL” aimed to represent the objects of the company and the compromise taken on the quality and excellent of the offered services, high ethical and professional standards, state-of-the-art technology in operational systems, administration and control of assets representing Industrial and Intellectual Property, with the purpose to highlight and surpass market limits.

The logo has been created so to represent a strong link focused on the object to offer efficient, dynamic, qualified and professional services, always with the highest dedication and constant enhancement.

A Excel - finalA team of professionals, partners and a network of agents throughout the world, who are highly qualified in their jobs, high standards and strong team working principles, a modern computerized structure devoted to offer all information and assistance in a fully personalized fashion have allowed us to gain trust and satisfaction from our clients.

Fully aware of our responsibilities, we are always ready to go ahead and continue to build a history of progress, widening our horizons and always celebrating new partnerships.


Quality, experience and team work are the basis for the protection and defense of the interests of our clients