
Search effected with the databank of INPI (the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office), by means of the online system, which includes:

Servicos  BuscaTRADEMARK SEARCH – effected according to the company’s field of activity, wherein classes corresponding to products or services are defined, according to the International Classification for Products and Services in force, so to find possible anteriorities or coincidences with existing applications or registrations, with identical or similar characteristics, and an opinion on the possibilities of success for the registration application to be required.

Ask for a free Trademark Search.

PATENT SEARCH – effected according to the issue of interest by the owner, for future request of photocopies for literature or knowledge and determination of the state of the art, identifying what already exists in the national and international market.

Remark: We should highlight that searches are not fully safe, since there is a waiting period between the filing of an application and its publication by INPI.